Tech Host + Blogger Needed – Women in STEM Panel College Edition
This IGNITE panel features women pursuing STEM in college! Students will hear about the college experience, STEM courses and opportunities like clubs and internships, and get advice on how they can start preparing now.
Speakers include:
Praises Orji – Praises is an IGNITE alum! She has interned at Microsoft and is currently a student at the University of Washington.
Amanda Ha – Amanda is an incoming freshman at the University of Washington planning to pursue a degree in computer science. She has interned with Microsoft and T-Mobile. Amanda is super passionate about empowering girls to pursue STEM and is part of a project called STEMpower to promote STEM resources and opportunities.
Andrea Ha – Andrea is the co-founder of STEMpowher, a platform aimed at inspiring girls to pursue STEM. This summer, she interned at Mount Locks, a tech start-up in Boston, and was previously an intern at Microsoft. She will be a freshman at the University of Washington planning to major in Computer Science!
Krystal Graylin – Along with Andrea, Krystal is the co-founder of STEMpowher. She has worked as a Security Consulting intern with Accenture and an organizer for DubHacks, the largest PNW hackathon, and is currently a sophomore at the University of Washington studying Informatics & Business, combining her passion for the intersection of humanity and tech.
Marcella Huang – Marcella is an IGNITE alum! She is earning her Associates of Science in Computer Science from Highline College and will be transferring to the University of Washington as a Computer Science major to learn and create technology that is more inclusive and accessible to everyone. She is currently working on a mobile app project with other college students to help reduce excess food waste on school campuses.