December 12, 2019 | Decatur HS and Thomas Jefferson HS at MOZ
On Dec. 12, we took 26 students from Decatur and Thomas Jefferson High Schools in the Federal Way School District to Moz. When we arrived we were immediately welcomed by “Team Happy” - Ida Basha and Ashlie Daulton. We all felt very welcomed to the space!
First we split into two groups and went on a tour of Moz. The students loved the sleek, clean space and big windows. As a bonus, it was beautifully decorated for the holidays!
Next, we all gathered for a chance to hear from the company’s CEO, Sarah Bird! She told the girls about what Moz does and the company’s core values, which Moz calls TAGFEE: Transparent, Authentic, Generous, and Fun, Empathy and Exceptional. Sarah was very honest and open about herself and the path that led her to being CEO of Moz. The Happy Team then introduced the volunteers for the day’s activity and split the girls into groups. Each group had a problem to solve and then presented the outcome to the larger group. The girls were very engaged and had no issues opening up and sharing with the larger group. All of the groups did a fabulous job! Thank you to the volunteers, who were great mentors throughout the activity.
Once we finished with the group activity, Roger the Robot (Moz’s mascot) made an appearance, and students got a chance to take pictures with him!
We were then treated to a delicious pizza and salad lunch, and the volunteers spent time with each group of students to answer questions and tell the girls about their personal journeys into the tech world. The volunteers were very engaging and inspiring for the girls and shared many stories of what they had done in the past and how they got to Moz. The girls asked insightful questions - and even some challenging questions. The volunteers and students both enjoyed these sessions, and the girls loved spending time with each of the women. We wished we could have stayed longer! As we left the girls all received some Moz swag to remember their amazing day!
A tremendous thank you to all the amazing volunteers: Ida Basha, Ashlie Daulton, Sarah Bird, Britney Muller, Chiaryn Miranda, Leanne Rivera, Brittani Dinsmore, Tonya Ricks Sterr, Lindsey Reno, and Katarina Anderson for taking time out of your day to spend with us and inspire our girls. We truly appreciate all that Moz did for us and hope to be able to visit again soon!
After attending this event:
of girls/non-binary students are more interested in STEM
of girls/non-binary students want to continue attending IGNITE events
of girls/non-binary students want to investigate taking a STEM related course next semester
of girls/non-binary students want to ask a teacher about additional STEM activities
of girls/non-binary students want to study harder to attend college and further their education
Here's what the students enjoyed most:
"I really enjoyed the activity where we collaborated with each other in different groups to create an app to solve a real world problem. It really got me thinking on how technology can help solve problems in the workplace, like difference in culture and communications. I really enjoyed this event."
- 12th grade
"I was very surprised with how artistic talent plays a role in a technology-based company. Through today's meeting I learned that art not only plays an essential role in designs of a product but also expands our view in solving problems in the company! I really loved the activities that challenged our knowledge!"
- 12th grade
"I enjoyed them telling us about how they each individually got started. I also enjoyed creating prototypes and designing. It helped me think about going into graphic design. I think it was perfect!"
- 9th grade
"I like how welcoming the people are and how despite their differences they all match up and make something great."
- 10th grade
"I enjoyed touring Moz and seeing the tech work/life atmosphere. I liked talking to the adults, seeing how they got to where they are currently and what their daily life is now."
- 11th grade
"The highlight of design and tech. This event inspired me to take classes related to and talk to people who have careers in STEM."
- 10th grade
"So many powerful women! The activity was fun, purposeful, and engaging."
- 12th grade
"I learned about careers that involve technology. This inspired me because there were so many careers that are so interesting that I never knew about."
- 9th grade
"I enjoyed the activity we did where we solved a problem. My group was #2. I also enjoyed meeting the CEO of Moz!"
- 9th grade
"Creating a mock startup, coming up with the details. Talking to Britney, one of the volunteers."
- 10th grade
"I liked that we got to hear some of their stories."
- 9th grade
"Working collaboratively together to think of a startup company."
- 12th grade
"I liked seeing the company and knowing the workers' backgrounds. It was great!"
- 12th grade
"I enjoyed being able to present a startup idea."
- 12th grade
"The people that work there are really nice. I loved that it was really organized and clean."
- 12th grade
"Talking to Britney and being able to solve problems and to make our own prototype."
- 10th grade
"I enjoyed the activity where we created a prototype to help with an issue."
- 9th grade
"Dogs, activity, people, food. The interesting way they all work together."
- 12th grade