Virtual Coding Workshop with MCG Health (High School)
Teachers, be sure to take our short teacher training before signing up for the event.
Only teachers, counselors, or adult staff members at a school can sign up for IGNITE events. If you are a student, please let the IGNITE Teacher at your school know that you are interested in this event. If you don’t have IGNITE at your school, please email to get started!
Students will participate in a hands-on workshop using a Wordle-like game, implemented in the C# programming language, to learn programming concepts and explore how a problem can be broken down into smaller steps. The sample code used in the workshop will be available for students to continue learning after the event. Students will also hear the career journeys of women STEM professionals who work at MCG Health and participate in a live question and answer session.
MCG is a healthcare technology company, developing solutions to help patients get the right level of care and the appropriate care activities for the right amount of time. At MCG, we have a lot of programmers who code and test our applications, doctors and nurses who write our medical guidelines, and Data Analysts and Statisticians who are super talented at math. Without all of these wonderful people, we wouldn’t be who we are today. STEM is an integral part of MCG.