In-Person Alumnae Panel at Federal Way Public Schools STEM Night (Federal Way, WA)
Inspire IGNITE Students in grades K-12 at the Federal Way Public Schools STEM Night taking place at Federal Way High School: 30611 16th Ave S, Federal Way, WA 98003.
IGNITE aims to increase gender diversity in high-wage/high demand STEM fields, such as technology and engineering. Women, nonbinary, transgender, agender, and genderqueer professionals who are Federal Way alumnae and who represent these perspectives are highly encouraged to sign up as Panelists to share their stories and answer student questions!
This is an incredible opportunity to change an IGNITE student’s life! After signing up as a panelist, volunteers are required to review our 10-min Panelist Training Video at least once per school year and attend a live, interactive Virtual Panelist Coaching Session if they have not attended one in the past. Training must be completed by Friday, April 7.
We are also looking for volunteers to staff the IGNITE information table during STEM night from 6-8pm. Your role would be to pass out IGNITE informational flyers, answer questions about the program, gather teacher contact information, and let them know how to contact our team for further details or to sign up for events. IGNITE will provide all necessary information and resources.
Finally, you can help capture the inspiration during this event by signing up to be an IGNITE Event Recorder, with a time commitment of 6-7pm, and writing an event summary for the IGNITE Worldwide website.