Date: March 27, 2014
HI All,
What a great day we had at Microsoft with 48 young women from Franklin HS IGNITE chapter and Broadview Thomson K-8 IGNITE chapters!
Broadview girls got to go to Xbox testing lab and see how Microsoft makes games. It’s an exciting time to see up close how games are made, tested and all of the details that go into the famous games for Xbox. The Franklin HS girls visited the Envisioning Center where they get to see the future vision for the home, office and public areas designers dream up in the futuristic mock up. All of the girls have such a great time seeing behind the scenes and thoroughly enjoyed their tours.
Then we all have lunch and engage with women from Microsoft on a panel presentation and discussion. The women did such a great job sharing their inspiration with the girls. The girls had some great questions as well.
It was a fun day and a wonderful day.
I want to thank all of the amazing people who work so hard to make this kind of day happen for our students.
Thank you to Claire O’Donnell who has been working on these tours for many years. She makes sure all of our details are in place and works so very hard on our behalf.
Thank you so much Claire for all you do!
Thank you to Aparna Vishwanathan, our Microsoft volunteer coordinator. So many wonderful volunteers at each and every event. This event was typical, were we had extraordinary women come and speak to the girls. Thank you Aparna for all you do!
Thank you to our tour guides and chaperones, Ann Jas and John Uchill!
Thank you to all of our tour guides and lunch time volunteers.
To, Cierra McDonald, Sr Program Manager, Maya McClain, Senior Test Lead, Beverly Carey, Director IT Gov, Shannon Smith, Sr Solutions Manager, and Karin Moore, Group Program Director.
You are all such amazing women and inspired the girls greatly at this event.
I know the girls loved hearing you talk because they said so and also they gave me feedback after you all left. The girls were thrilled about your panel and the wisdom you imparted to them that day.
Thank you all for being there and caring so very much!
Here are the comments from the girls survey forms:
- I liked that we got to learn about the fact that we are capable of whatever we want. There is nothing that men can do that we women can’t do. Grade 6
- The most interesting thing I learned today is why and how everyone got inspired to have the jobs they do today. Grade 6
- I loved talking to the ladies at the lunch panel. It was interesting in Xbox how people can see their emotions.
- I learned that we should never give up on what we want to do. I also learned that I can get paid to create technology which was really cool. Grade 6
- I learned what I want to do in my future career and what I want to study in college.Thank you.
- The speakers were enthusiastic about speaking which was very nice. They made sure and answered all of our questions, which was very nice. I learned about a lot of jobs that a tech company would need.
- The best part of today was when the panelists talked about their lives. I learned a lot because I got to hear the women’s stories and it showed me successful women’s lives.
- I really liked the advice the women gave us. I liked that they cared to come and talk to us.
- We learned a lot of stuff and had a chance to talk to some people that experience technology careers. I really enjoyed learning about making games.
- I learned not to self select, which means not to say no to myself when I want to try something. To know I can do it and go ahead and do it. Grade 8
- I thought the whole day was fun ! I do think I now want to go into character design for games. I loved the entire day, all of it!
- I loved the Home of the Future, it was awesome. Grade 9
- I learned a lot about what the future will be like at the future home. I can see there are amazing things to come.
- I loved everything!
- I loved learning about all of the different jobs. I learned how much technology needs women.
- Learned a lot about IGNITE and really liked that.
- I loved going to the Envisioning Center. It was really amazing. Grade 9
- My favorite part was the women talking about their lives. I really liked how they said don’t quit, keep trying. Never give up, keep doing what you love. Grade 9
- I liked learning what one future might be like at the Home of the Future.
- I liked how we got to see what it would be like or what Microsoft thinks we will be like in years to come. All of the developments and sensors that make everything look better and look more realistic and exciting with all of the effects. I thought it was cool that I have a role model like the woman on the panel, Marie Curie, who I read about in history. Grade 10
- Learning about what one future might be like at the Home of the Future. I learned that technology makes things easier grade 10
- I thought everything was really interesting. I loved visiting the Home and Envisioning Center. I liked everything. Grade 10
- I liked the advice given from the panel, and thought it was really useful. I learned a lot and thought the women gave us great advice. Grade11
- I learned everything about how these women who spoke to us, got to where they are today. I loved the part when the women spoke to us.. I learned so much. Grade 6
- I loved the Xbox room where they showed peoples games to test. That was my favorite part. Grade 8
- I thought it was really helpful that they women told us such great advice for our future. I learned that things you love can one day become your job. Grade 9
- I learned to stay open to what I want to be. I learned a lot about technology careers.
- Even though some ladies accidentally come into technology careers, they ended up happy with them. There are so many different careers in technology that I did not know about. Grade 9
Thank you so much to everyone who made this day possible!
Cathi Rodgveller, M.S. Ed

View the Broadview Thomson K-8 Chapter Page
View the Franklin High School Chapter Page